Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Superbowl & Sickness...

Yeah!!! The Colts did it!! Finally Indiana has something positive to brag about! I was rooting for the Colts but would have been ok if the Bears would of won too! It was a win-win situation for football fans in Northern Indiana. Before we had the Colts the Bears were the team. The Colts winning the Superbowl was the best thing that happened to us this weekend. Sunday morning Saige started to vomit, by the afternoon Asher started, and by the evening it hit Wil. We decided not to send the kids to school Monday, letting them recuperate. Within 10 hours of Wil being sick he started to go down hill. By late Monday morning he was in the hospital. I had Bryan come home from work to stay with the other two and then he got really sick with diarrhea and vomiting. By Monday night I started to feel nauseous and vomited at the hospital. Bryan's mom had to come to the hospital to stay with Wil at 11:00 pm and I barely made it home before I started vomiting again. Wil came home yesterday afternoon and is doing great. He and Asher made it to school today, Saige wasn't so lucky. He thought he had gas and it wasn' started with him and I guess it will end with him. I feel much better, though I'm achy all over. I feel as though someone took a bat to my upper body. My ribs, back and shoulders are killing me. I must have heaved really hard!! I'm sure that all of my readers love hearing about vomiting and diarrhea!!!
Bryan made it to work today and I am slowly trying to disinfect our house. Usually when the kids get sick the parents don't. Not this hit Bryan and I really hard. Thank God for grandma's. Hopefully, this will be the only time this year that our family gets hit with the flu! The kids were at my parents house Sunday night....I hope that they didn't spread it there!! I pray that all of you and your families stay healthy!