Monday, January 29, 2007

Salvation & Surprises....

January 20th I threw a surprise party for Bryan's 30th birthday, which he won't actually turn 30 until January 30th, which is tomorrow! The BIG 3-0!! The party went well, we threw it at our church (in the gym). Bryan thought that he was showing up for our friend's surprise birthday party. He had the idea that the party was for both of them and was shocked when he saw our friend, Gary, standing there yelling 'Surprise'! I had everything decorated in pink. Bryan has his first, and let's hope only, Princess Party. I didn't want to do the typical 'black', over the hill party, for two reasons. The first is because it's such a common theme and the second is because I'm older than Bryan and I will never admit or say that he is over the hill - where would that leave me? I thought about a theme and came up with the Princess party idea, because if I had a daughter I'd love to throw a Princess Party! Let's face it, science has proven that the male determines the sex of a baby, so it was determined for me three times to have boys, thus no pink or purple will ever exist in my household. I even bought him a cone shaped pink hat that said, 'All hail the birthday princess'. All the table coverings were in pink, and each table donned pink, purple, and hot pink balloons. My cousin had brought her daughters barbie and Dora castles for table decorations. We had cupcakes (instead of cake) that had pink and purple sprinkles on them. For dinner we had a Taco Buffet! My mother, mother-in-law, sister-in-laws, brother, and quite a few friends were such a great help! I couldn't have done it without them. I greatly appreciated their help! I also had a game, 'How well do you know, Bryan?' quiz, the top five people who got the most right came up to Bryan and dressed him up with a purple dress, wand, plastic earrings, necklace, wand, and tiara. It was great! Bryan even posed for pictures. My gift to him besides the party, was a DVD containing pictures from childhood through his current age. (my brother helped with that) At the end there were also interviews of the kids and me. Of course mine got kind of lengthy....that's not a shocker!!!:) It was a lot of fun and he really enjoyed himself. I will try to see if I can put the DVD on wigge pics, not sure if it will work-be forewarned though, it's about 30 minutes long, so make sure you look at it in your 'dead' time.

Last night was such an awesome night. Saige couldn't sleep and he came downstairs to tell me that he was scared. In church some kids turned the conversation to demons and spiritual warfare. I told him (the same as the teacher) that if Christ is in you, through him you have more power than Satan himself. Demons have to go away, when cast them out in the name of Jesus. I feel for him because I too grew up with similar fears and it took through adulthood to really overcome them (he also has a fear of death). I prayed for him, rebuked fear, and prayed that God give him a peace. He asked if he could sleep in our room. I was still up, but Bryan was in bed. I told him that it was ok. About 15 minutes later, both Bryan and Saige come downstairs in their undies. Bryan is smiling from ear to ear and Saige looked at peace. Bryan told me that Saige woke him up to pray for him, and that after he prayed Saige said that he wanted to ask Jesus into his life, that it was something that he had never done. WOW!!!! There was no prodding by Bryan, Saige asked his dad to help him do that! So they went through and did what scripture tells us on salvation and on January 28, 2007 at 10:00 at night my oldest baby asked Jesus into his life. I can't tell you how elated I am. We raise our children with the truth, but both Bryan and I know that when they hit a certain age they will no longer be covered by us spiritually, and they will have to make their own decision to follow Christ. Saige will be ten this year and he's matured so quickly! He knew it to be true and he's believed it but now he's at the age where he knows that he has to make a decision about his own life. We have some workbooks that we are going to do with him to help him better understand the commitment that he made last night. He told his dad that before he asked the Lord into his life his stomach was hurting, and after it felt better and that he was really tired and was ready to go asleep. I'm amazed at how God allowed Saige to physically feel at peace. To feel safe. I can just envision God wrapping his arms around Saige, and softly whispering in his ear that he was safe, loved, treasured, and that he was his little boy! To know that my son chose, on his own, without the pressure from mom and dad, to want the Lord in his life. In all of our parental mistakes (which are many) we did something right. We allowed God to work in our family, we gave our children over to Him, and He prevailed! From a mother's point of view - one down two more to go!! lol
Of course the road ahead of us is still a long one, Saige hasn't even gotten to the pre-teen and teen years yet. This is really such a great opportunity for us to continue to educate, pray with, and disciple Saige. To help him establish a foundation that will not be shaken, so even as a pre-teen, teen, and young adult he will continue to live his life for God and continue to make good decisions! The future always holds so many uncertainties but today I'm on cloud nine! My spirit is jumping for joy!

Friday, January 12, 2007

We have reached a milestone...

The Wigge family has finally reached a milestone! We no longer have medicaid to cover Wil's medical expenses. I am filled with much fear and and even greater joy! It's funny to feel both of those feelings together. I am just thrilled to not be under the burden of making a set income and to never have to fill out all of the paperwork that having medicaid entails. A huge burden has been lifted and I know that a new door for our family is opening. The last seven years we have lived under medicaids thumb, and we are now finally free! I have appreciated the coverage that we have had. We definitely needed it during this time, but now we are able to move on. The major drawback now is that we will have to pay for diapers again. It will be several more years before the necessary surgeries are done on Wil before they are not needed. We can live with that though. Bryan's insurance coverage is going to be just great for Wil. We will have some out of pocket expenses but we are no longer held under the dictatorship of medicaid.

Yesterday Wil turned seven! Wow! Seven years ago we didn't know what the outcome was going to be with Wil. Seven years ago.... seems like forever! Our family was forced to seperate, Saige was going through a rough time, my marriage was falling apart, and we thought that our little bably Wil might not make it a week let alone seven years. Check out my other blog, perfect wil, and you will know exactly what was going on in our family seven years ago. I am so greatful and so blessed that the Lord has provided for us. He has kept our family together, healed Saiges wounds, and has given our baby Wil life. Our family and the struggles that we have endured is the best testament that I could ever give about my Saviors love. He has lifted us when we were down and comforted us in our sorrows. He has been our rock, our refuge, our source of peace, and he has restored so many things for us. Our family gives God all the glory for what has transpired in our home. We are eternally thankful.

As I was saying, yesterday was Wil's birthday. After dinner Bryan and I took him out on his 'birthday date'. We took him to Toys R Us to spend his money and gift cards, then to Build a Bear, where he made a batman monkey, named 'Ron the Monk Bat Wigge'. Anyone who has children who watch Kim Possible might have seen the episode when Ron Stoppible became a monkey... or something like that, anyway that is who the monkey is named after. After that we went to see the movie, Happily N'Ever After. It was cute. Wil kept saying that it was the best day of his life. When we got home we had our cake and icecream and Wil went immediately to the PS2 to play some of his new games that he bought at Toys R Us. We had a lot of fun! I just love taking the children out (individually) for their birthdays. Just mom, dad, and the birthday boy! They know that it is their special day! It was one of the best decisions that Bryan and I have made. The kids love it and they don't get jealous of the birthday boy because they know that the same attention will be on them when their birthday comes. Bryan and I actually are the spoiled ones, we get to go out and have at least three dates a year! lol Yesterday was great!

Happy Birthday Wil!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Sorry! I haven't been too good at blogging lately! This is the busiest time of year for us. It won't end until the end of January. Two days after Christmas was Asher's birthday, he turned five. We took him to Toys R Us to spend his $50 in gift cards, then to Chuckee Cheese for dinner and some play, then to Build a Bear Workshop. Bryan and I take the kids out for their birthdays individually, like a date! We had a lot of fun and Asher is a very thrifty shopper. He has to walk around the entire store (Toys R Us) at least twice until he has made his final decision. His decision making was quite quick at Build a Bear though, we walked in and he grabbed the frog without any hesitation. Once filled and bathed he knew exactly what outfit he wanted for him, Superman. So now Asher has 'Super Frog' and takes him everywhere.
We then had New Years Eve. We went to our friends (Gary & Lisa) where they had an 80's theme party. I'll post picks soon but you can see some on my brother's blog (go to reality check). It was a lot of fun getting dressed up and seeing what everyone else looked like.
During Christmas break, Bryan's work was on shut down, so he had a week and half off. The entire time was spent over at his mom's house. He demolished her bathroom and completely remodeled it. We still have some finishing touches to do but it looks great. New shower, new sink, new walls, lighting, ceramic tile. He did such a great job.
This Thursday is Wil's birthday, he will be seven. He will also spend his birthday money at Toys R Us, go to Build a Bear Workshop, and will pick a restaurant to eat at. He wants to see a movie so he might choose Cinema Grill.
The 17th of January is our Anniversary! Nine years! Time flies when your not paying attention. lol Then the 30th is Bryan's 30th Birthday! Every year when Christmas is over I, for a very short time, feel relieved. Then it dawns on me that 'it's not over'. So once February hits I will take a deep breath and really feel relieved. It will be the first time that we can actually rest since November.
Our Christmas was wonderful along with our New Year! It's hard to believe that it's already 2007! I pray that this year brings you all joy and prosperity!