Monday, November 26, 2007

30 days until Christmas...

Can you believe that we only have 30 days left before Christmas? It's insane! We've just begun our shopping and I hope that we get it done in time. I've never waited this late in the year to shop. I'm usually done by the first or second week of December. Oh well, I guess I get to shop with all of the procrastinators.

I know that I've been gone lately, but I do have a good excuse. I'm directing our church's Christmas Musical for the Children's Ministry Program. It is called 'Bows of Holly'. Everyone is invited. Bring the family, it's free, gets you into the Christmas spirit, and it has a good message. However, I must warn you all, it is not your traditional Christmas play - there are no wisemen or pregnant virgins.
It will be performed on December 9th at 10:00 am and 6:00 pm. It's free, but we are asking if people would like to bring a non-perishable item to donate to the church's food pantry. Saige and Shelby Oswald (Jen's niece) are starring in it. Kids from the 5th grade all the way down to pre-school age will be in it. There are some great songs and dances too! Don't miss! Vineyard is located on U.S 27 south past the new Wal-Mart and Menards.

Hope everybody had a great Thanksgiving. I managed to gain 5 pounds in three days. Oh yes, it can be done. Okay....okay.......I'll write a self-help book on how to gain weight. There are so many 'How to lose weight' books out there (that don't work very well, I might add). I might as well monopolize on something that I'm so gifted at. Share my secrets with the world!!!