Thursday, July 06, 2006

going campin' . . .

Tomorrow night we leave to go camping and we will not return until Monday. We are going up to Pokagan with some friends. This will be the first camping trip as a family that we will have taken. Once last year we camped for a night in the woods at my parents. Wil and I left in the middle of the night and we went to my parents to finish sleeping! LOL

I'm not sure how this will go. I have camped plenty - before I had children. I really want this weekend to go great! So I'm trying not to have any expectations! Saige will want to fish the entire weekend - he is a true fisherman - he can fish for 10 hours without catching anything and still have tons of fun! Wil hates the outdoors - maybe that is an unfair assessment. . . Wil . . . doesn't like the . . . no . . . he hates the outdoors. I can't blame him though, it's not like he can go hiking, bicycling, swimming, and fishing. He prefers his computer, TV, and playstation which are not good camping companions. Asher will probably disappear on us constantly and will become one with nature. He will end the trip with a loin cloth, mud covering his little frame, and branches surrounding his head like a crown or all of the little woodland creatures will join forces and attack him. I have no expectations . . . none whatsoever . . . we shall enjoy ourselves.

We are going with some good friends and that should be a lot of fun. Bryan has been wanting to camp as a family for years and of course I have dreaded it. Hopefully the kids are grown enough that it will not be so difficult and this is the first year that I think Wil will do well. He's walking very well with his crutches and he isn't terrified of water anymore, he still doesn't like it but he will try to swim. This is the first year that he hasn't gotten sick when in the sun on a hot day. I think that the outdoors may suit him better this year than ever before. He is quite aware that there will be no TV and he is still excited about camping. All of the kids are excited - Saige won't quit talking about it. I hope that this trip will be the start of great family adventures. I look forward to sharing our trip with all of you when we return. Be prepared to laugh . . . something always happens to my family that causes those who listen to laugh. I like to think that they are laughing with us but usually they are laughing at us.


Jen said...

Oh.... so much fun! I'm excited for you guys. We haven't gotten camping nearly as much as I've wanted to this year. I liked the description of Asher... too funny! Be thankful my family no longer lives on Snow Lake. When we were younger we used to boat over to Pokagan and pull peoples tent stakes out in the middle of the night. We also used to make growling noises and shake nearby trees.... hehehee.... those were the days! :0)

sara said...

You were such a naughty little girl . . . or were you an adult when you did this? You said 'younger' but 10 years is younger, and that would still make you an adult. LOL Must finish packing! I'll let you know how it goes!

Jen said...

I plead the 5th....LOL