Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Finger cramps...

I use to love sitting down at my computer and blogging. Lately typing anything extra makes me tired. I've been trying to get thru my basic keyboarding course and let me tell you, my hands, wrist, and forearms are getting cramped all of the time. Not to mention my mom and I have been scrapbooking. Not just any scrapbooking either. My mom has pictures dating back to the 1890's and not just with one family. We have both sets of my grandparents, their parents, and their parents...needless to say we have about 90 hours into it so far and we still aren't out of the 1930's. I get to type name and story tags on each picture. It is a lot of fun though. I love learning about our family history and origin. My mom is a die hard geneology nut. She has been tracking down family history since the 80's and in the last decade (since retiring) has worked on it almost daily. She not only has a ton of pictures but also the information on each person. It's really neat, we are ready to do my grandparents (both) wedding albums. They were both ( dad & mom's parents) married in 1937, I think? So far we have enough pictures to fill two albums. She comes over on Wednesday mornings and we spend a couple of hours trying to date, name, and arrange each picture on pages. During the rest of the week, when I have time, I get on the computer and make up the tags. Print them, cut them out, paste them to black paper, cut it out and then it is ready to paste onto to the photo page. (I like to border my tags) One page takes me about a half an hour. So far we have 78 pages completed and I still have another 6 to do before tomorrow morning and guess what? I decided to update my blog instead. lol That's ok I completed almost 20 this last week. I'll try to update more than just weekly but lately it's been too difficult. I still try and read everybody elses though. lol Have a great week.


Jen said...

That sounds soooooo neat! I'd love to see it sometime.