Friday, August 25, 2006

I'm gonna be a soccer mom....

I'm gonna be a soccer mom! Guess who's going to be playing!! It's not Saige, he's still very passionate about 'american futbol', and Ash is too young, yes...yes... believe it or not it's Wil. We went to Turnstone the other night for information and to meet the coach. It's called Power Soccer. This will be Fort Wayne's first league/teams. So far there are there are about 15 people interested. We will playing teams out of Indianapolis and Muncie. There are no age limits, there are players from age 6 to 60. There are also no limits or restrictions on each persons handicap. They can be mild to severe. All that is needed to play the game is a power wheelchair. If you link onto Power Soccer go to the 'power soccer multimedia gallery' and then click onto - power soccer-control the power- video and watch the clip. It's very interesting to see how they play. I'm so glad that there is a sport, something competitive, for Wil to be involved in. I always knew that he would sit on the sidelines and watch his brothers play sports and now they get to sit on the sidelines and watch him play. The first practice is Sept. 12th and Wil (us too) is really excited. Turnstone(through sponsorship) is going to cover the bulk of the cost ($150) to pay for the jerseys, the ball, and the hardware for the wheelchairs. Each participant only has to pay around $45. The season last from Sept-June. (long season) We are so excited to see how much Wil enjoys it, I'll keep everyone posted on 'the happenings'.


Jen said...

That's sooooooo cool! You'll have to send us a schedule of his games. I'd love to see him play.

Brandee said...

You go Wil! And soccer mama! Be sure and keep us up to date!