I must comment on behalf of my brother's post Saturday.
1) I would not brag about beating me to a post. You only post once maybe twice a month, believe me it's nothing to brag about.
2) Not once have I heard a 'thank you' about labeling my 'make ya laughs'. It was because of your whining that I had to change my system. No one else complained.
3) Having a girl has nothing to do with you. God has allowed this to happen for Lisa, mom, and me. WE need a girl or we will go insane.
4) Anyone reading this is probably thinking that we do not get along. If only they knew our sarcasm. lol
Actually, everyone is siked about having a girl in the family and I agree with my brother it was different seeing how a girl reacts to 'EVERYTHING'. Everything is different from opening gifts to playing hide and seek to blowing out candles to eating the cake. I loved it! The best part of the birthday party was watching Emily dress up like a princess.(that and kissing Andrew, he had me rolling.) I loved how dainty she was and how proper she held herself. She walks better in heels than I do. It was fun to shop for a girl too! I never go down those kinds of aisles in a store. We always avoid the 'pink' aisle. Asher wanted to get Emily a Power Ranger doll. Gotta love the boys....! It will be fun once Haley ( upcoming neice) is born and especially when she gets older. My boys and my nephews would do anything for their only girl cousin Emily! She has them wrapped around her fingers. The power of a woman! Enjoy the pics below! I only posted my two favorite pics.

Emily and her mommy! (Teresa)
Andrew and his daddy! (Joe)
Ok....THANK YOU SARA FOR LABELING YOUR JOKES!....Now will you stop 'whining' about someone requesting a little logic and organization?!
Also, If I only post once a month (which is true) and I STILL get pics up before you, doesn't that actually show that YOU ARE SLIPPING!!!
Third---I seem to remember that when we didn't know if Lisa was going to have a boy or a girl, someone (SARA) telling me that if it was a boy it would be all my fault since it's the dad that determines the sex of the child. Now, ALL OF A SUDDEN, when it IS a girl, it has 'nothing to do with' me?....***sighs in exasperation at sister's illogic.***
BTW Sara, I love you too. :-)
Who said we were sarcastic?
Actually, I'm looking forward to having a girl. I didn't think that way for a while. But, even though I know it will be different and I don't know what to expect, I think it will be fun. Especially for you, Mom, and Lisa. Not to mention all the males in the family.
Ok, because I know you two "too well".... let me be the first to say "have a big glass of shut the hell up!". With that being said I would also like to point out that *sarcasm* would NEVER cross my mind when thinking of either of you......ROTFLMAO. Seriously Sara, why didn't you let Asher get her a Power Rangers doll? Sammy's favorite gifts are Star Wars action figures and Kung Fu Warriors. Now if Emily wanted to get Asher a Barbie.... well.... ok I get the point I guess....LOL, but then again.... would Ash really be disappointed with that? Now.... do you really think the new "Long" female will be really all "that feminine"? Oh yeah Sara, when I think of you, I think of nothing but "pink and girly"..... hahahaha. Ok, I'm teasing..... I Love you guys..... just joking here..... ok? No revenge right? Peace and all that good stuff. Oh crap.... I just asked for it. ~hugs~
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