Friday, March 23, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away !!!!

What is up with this weather? Spring is like a tease. One day the sun is out but still a little on the chilly side, the next day beautiful weather, then the next rain, the next chilly and rain, and the next day more chilly rain. I understand that with Spring comes Spring showers, but can't it be a little warmer?! I'm so anxious for 60 - 70 degree weather! I'm anxious for the Spring smell too! So far only one day did it smell like Spring! I want to open my windows and let the fresh breeze in to air out my stuffy house. The other day it did thunderstorm though, I loved it! I just don't like the continuous cold rain. Oh well! On the flipside it will make the grass greener, which is good! I should be thankful that it's not snowing like it has in the past during the months of March and April. Okay, the rain can stay, just warm up a little bit more!!


Mandy said...

It's Indiana it's always this way. We may still get our snow in April. I agree with you the waiting on nice sunny days is hard.

Jen said...

I sent an email to blogger, they claim they have fixed my account so I can leave comments again. Just checking this.

Jen said...
