Saturday, October 20, 2007


The PAL Football season is over for us! Saige played Junior Varsity for the 49ers. Of course his team didn't win one game this year, but they improved so much over the season. I enjoyed watching him play and practice, but I am so glad that it's over. Three days a week for several hours each day he would have practice on the Snyder practice field, and every Saturday from 8-12 at alternate highschools, would be game day. It would of been much more fun for me if I didn't have to drag the little ones to every practice and game. Wil and Ash are clearly not into sports at this point of time in their lives and they let me know that at every practice and game.
They weren't bad just bored. The picture above is from his last game vs the Vikings. They lost but when my boy played he looked good. Saige is #80 and he's running the ball in the photo. The poor kid was so beat up this season that I actually think that he's glad it's over. He wants to play for PAL next year instead of playing for middle school. We weren't too sure about that, but he has been pretty insistant about it. The coaches asked Bryan to let him back. If he does, he'll be on Varsity. JV is 9 & 10 year olds and Varsity is 11-12 year olds. This year over 3/4 of their team were first timers, they really need a lot of the kids to return so they have a team that has been working together and already knows how to play. Hopefully the 49ers have a better year next year!


Mandy said...

I'm glad he had fun playing. Hopefully he will have a more experienced team next year.

Mandy said...

I wanted to ask you if you were going for a month in between bloggs or what? I hope to see new soon. If not I hope you have a wonderful THANKSGIVING!

Jen said...

I'm sorry I missed this post. In my defense however, you post so infrequently.... ~wink-wink~ :p

I'm so proud of Saige! You let him know that I don't have a favorite football team (well the Colts), but whomever he plays for will be MY TEAM!

Beth said...

Last night Carter was looking through our dvds and saw Shrek. I said, "Do you remember when we watched Shrek outside at the movie theater?" He replied, "With Sara and with Asher." I couldn't believe he knew that!! Speaking of, we all need to do something again.