Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October is here?

The other day the kids just started school and summer wasn't quite over...when did October get here? Someone told me the other day that the Christmas is only 12 weeks away! It can't be....I'm not ready!! I don't want to get out the coats, hats, and gloves yet!! Autumn is my favorite season but I'm not ready for it yet!
This summer just seemed to fly by - the older I get the quicker it goes! The saying is true - time flies by! Well enjoy this fall, hopefully it won't go by as quickly as the summer did!


Jen said...

Yes, yes...... fall MUST go slower so that we may enjoy it!

Mandy said...

Fall and spring are my favorite times of year. They just come and go to quickly. I like your new look.

Beth said...

I was very excited to hear this week's weather forecast. Usually I go to Kendallville's Applefest with a sweatshirt and possible gloves, but it is supposed to be 80 something. I was very excited. Also, I love your new layout. I don't know how to do any other layout then the "options" that are available. Where do I find layouts like you have now?

Brandee said...

I hear you. Although I am bummed that it looks like fall but feels like summer! What the heck is up with that?