Thursday, May 11, 2006

get dressed.....

Have you ever told your children to do something and instead they listened to the voices in their head? I deal with this on a daily basis. Our youngest, Asher, totally does not get it. He's usually not trying to be defiant, you can tell when he knows he's disobeying you. I honestly think he just plum forgets what you say. The pictures of above prove that. In every one of them he was originally suppose to go upstairs and get dressed. The first two pics he put on Power Ranger underwear, Teenage Turtle Bandana (Leonardo) , a packer jersey, and his Batman cape. I doctored the third pic, didn't want to offend anyone. We were getting ready to leave for dinner and Bryan told Asher to change his pants. This is what we got instead! LOL (Ash is wearing a wrestling mask that Bryan bought in Mexico). Sometimes he reminds me of 'Stewart' from In Living Color. He cracks me up. A lot of our friends and family find Asher to be exhausting but totally refreshing.
Asher definitely brings me joy in a way I could never imagine but it can get frustrating sometimes. I don't want to take away his spirit or his playful heart, it's one of the things I love the most about him. Bryan & I, just the other day, watched Asher (he didn't see us) in the bathtub while he was playing, he's hilarious. Bryan & I stood in the hallway peaking into the bathroom spying on him and trying to keep our laughs muffled. Before we knew it Saige and Wil had joined in and all four of us were watching Ash and trying not to laugh.
It's hard to discipline when his heart clearly isn't trying to defy you. I find myself in this struggle often. I want him to be obediant and listen to what Bryan and I say but he doesn't remember what we tell him. We've been trying repetition with him and it works a 1/4 of the time. I don't want Asher to change, I love the way he is but sometimes I get really frustrated and get really angry with him. I just don't know where the middle is. I'm not to hype about medicine either. He will be starting school soon and I don't think they will find it as funny as I do. Could use some suggestions and some prayer.


Jen said...

Asher is certainly one of a kind. :0) I don't think I've ever spent more than 5 minutes with him at one time without having him totally crack me up. I agree with you, I'm not so sure medication is the best idea unless it's the very last option. Sounds like his little mind is just so active he forgets. Zach and I went through that, as I'm sure you remember. His teachers wanted him medicated too, but I couldn't do it. His memory is much better these days, usually, of course he's almost 15 too. How long are you willing to wait? LOL. You know I don't know if you give him a Flintstones Multi-vitamin or not, but that did help Zach a little.

Brandee said...

OMG! That's funny! I have the same sort of issues with my oldest. It got better for awhile but now we seem to be going through it again. I TOTALLY understand! LOL!