Tuesday, May 02, 2006


My friend Jeni posted a picture the other day that brought back fond memories. This is a picture of "The Three Amigos". I'm in the middle and Jen is on the right and Lisa (fyi-now Jen's sister-in-law) is on the left. We had so much fun together! It's hard to believe that this was taken ten years ago!!!

This pic is also ten years old! This is me with my two godsons, Josh (left) and Zach (right). Can you believe they are both taller than me now?
Jeni if you see this, you must comment!!!

Who could resist such a beautiful face?


Jen said...

Evil, you are pure evil. LOL How embarrassing. I have to admit we did have a lot of fun back then (from what I can remember anyway). It amazed me the other day when I posted that pic of us that it was 10 years old. It really doesn't feel like that long to me. Would that be a good or bad thing? See it's the opposite with Paul. Even though we were off and on for 15 years, we've only been married 3 years this fall, but it seems like it's been about 50. :0)

sara said...

It feels like 50 to us too... just joking! I know 10 years just seemed to fly by. It really doesn't seem that long ago we were all single and hanging out together! See what men did to us! LOL! Just joshing, I love our men! My men! My man! You know what I mean!

Brandee said...

you girls are funny! I love looking at old pictures. However I really like it when they're not of me! :P I have pictures of myself and my two girlfriends that are almost the same pose! Too funny!

Mark said...

It's not the men who did it to you, it's the kids! Don't blame us, especially for something that is your fault. If you guys weren't so fertile we wouldn't have all the rug rats biting our ankles! lol.... i think.... :-)

Anyway, I think the pic of Jen with rose was in one of her more 'sensitive' moments, I just wish we could see the pic of right after she took the rose out of her mouth and had one of the thorns poke her tongue! Now that would have been great! lol